Akashic Records
The Akashic Records are a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. The Records are an experiential body of knowledge that contains everything that the soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence, as well as all future possibilities. All souls have free will, as such the Records do not tell the future or answer yes/no/when questions. These sessions are held live via Zoom, and available worldwide.
An Akashic Records Reading's purpose is to access the spiritual perspective from a soul level point of view. To recognize and understand their human challenges from a soul level perspective.

When having an Akashic Records Reading, come prepared with 10 to 12 questions to ask while inside your records. It is recommended to ask questions that begin with what, why, and how. These sessions are driven by your questions and are very conversational.
Stephanie can support you with forming questions prior to going into the Records. You can ask about your past, why things have happened in your life, what you can learn from a situation or person, etc. The more specific and direct your questions are the more information the Records will provide. Your Records are about you, so ask about your current life now. The Records will only discuss other people from your own point of view. Please note an Akashic Record Reading is not a past life regression.
A Zoom link for your session will be sent out 48 hours prior to your appointment time.

Akashic Records
45-minute readings
$155 CAD
Readings are available worldwide and are performed live via Zoom.
The sessions are recorded and an audio file is sent post session.